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Since 2004, the team at ATI has been committed to helping everyone we can. We understand that mortgage and technology continue to evolve and we are here to help. We know how to help you leverage the technology you are already paying for and using, while also helping you to understand what is possible and practical if you need to update your technology stack.

Our guidance is clear and always in your best interests first. We identify and bring value to you in everything that we do. We understand what it means to succeed and we are here to make that happen for you.

Schedule a call with Larry Bailey, our CRO and co-owner, and he will listen to you to find out what is happening as well as what you feel you need to be successful. He will ask you plenty of questions to make sure that we are helping you get to exactly where you want to go. If you are not sure about what that path looks like, we are here to make suggestions throughout our engagements.

We know that you cannot know what you do not know…so let us help you. That is why we are here.